Room 19/20 Term Overview
Term 2 2019
This term overview is an indication of the work we have planned and will be adjusted according to student response and other opportunities for learning that occur throughout the term. This term we have the Mothers Day stall (Wednesday of Week 2), Pupil free day (10/5 Friday of Week 2), Room 19’s Zoo Snooze (24/5 Friday of Week 4), School Photos (3/6 Monday of Week 6) Room 20’s Zoo Snooze (7/6 Friday of Week 6), Public Holiday (10/6 Monday Week 7), Swimming week in Week 9 and Room 20’s Assembly (7/7 Friday of Week 10).
We will continue to explore the school garden and learn about how plants grow. We have already been lucky enough to pick and taste some vegetables, as well as collect some seeds.
School and Class Library
Students have now been allocated a Class Library borrowing day. They have access to all books within the classroom but can only borrow one book to take home at a time. They must return the book before they are able to borrow from our library again.
Our school library time is on Wednesday. Students are able to borrow an additional 5 books each week from the school library.
Read Write Inc
Until they become independent readers, all Junior Primary students will participate in the Read, Write Inc program learning phonograms through repetition of verbal, visual and physical cues. Students will remain in their Term 1 RWI groups for the beginning of the term and be reassessed in Week 3. Please make sure all RWI books are returned to school before the end of Week 3.
Students will continue to regularly read aloud to adults at home and at school. The focus will be to develop and improve fluency, accuracy and expression. Another focus is developing a range of comprehension strategies. We will also read stories to the class regularly. Students will continue to be tested on individual sight words they bring back to school.
All students are tested on Oxford words. The words that they are unable to spell yet will be added to their spelling list each week. They will then be given 4 words from their list and will also choose 3 words from the ‘phonograms of the week’ lists. This will make up their spelling homework and students will be asked to LSCWC and mark up the phonograms. Spelling homework is Monday through Thursday, with Home Learning books handed up on Friday ready for testing on Monday.
As many students have now received their pen, we will be putting a greater emphasis on adding hooks to letters. We will also be beginning to give out official pen licences with photo identification for those who write with consistent hooks, letter height, size and shape.
As we are attending our Zoo Snooze this term, our genre focus’ are Information Reports and Narratives. We begun research projects last term and are working towards writing individual reports on zoo animals chosen by the students. They will be able to view their animal when we go on our Zoo Snooze.
Oral Language
Students will be practising speaking and listening skills in class. As part of the Investigations program, students will be expected to share to their peers 1-2 times a term, as well as partake in role play activities.
As part of our Geography unit, students will be asked to share in front of the class once this term.
In Term 2, we will continue number work including doubles, near doubles, rainbow facts, skip counting, place value and number line work. We will be finding patterns through addition and subtraction and grouping numbers in 10s and 100s. We will also be looking at Australian coins and notes, as well as fractions. During investigations, we will be practicing how to flip, slide and turn objects.
Computing and Digital Technologies
Room 19 will go to the Computer Room on Thursday and Room 20 will go on Friday. During computing time we will be practicing logging on and off, controlling the mouse and starting/exiting programs. We will also be practising typing, mathematics (Prodigy) and creating work in our own Google Drive. Students in the Literacy and Language Read, Write Inc groups will be using iPads to publish their own books. The students will also be using Digital Technologies during Investigations to develop their coding skills.
This term, students will continue investigations. They will regularly be required to speak in front of the class and carry out the role of being a ‘focus child’, ‘reporter’ or ‘photographer’.
Students will be able to take part in the investigation of a number of set activities related to interests and the curriculum. This may include construction, sensory, collage, literacy, numeracy, science, reading, dramatic play and tinkering. These stations will help to develop learning intentions which are directly related to the General Capabilities and Australian Curriculum. Students will also learn how to participate in groups, manage their emotions, investigate using critical and cognitive skills and develop their oral language.
This semester’s focus will be Geography. The unit will look at the world’s major geographical divisions and places we connect with. We will identify and describe the natural, managed and constructed features of the environment.
Specialist Subjects
Students will participate in weekly Science lessons on Thursday afternoons with Mrs Gehling.
Health and Physical Education
Students will participate in fitness activities as well as weekly P.E lessons with Mr. Halliday on Thursday (Room 20) and Friday (Room 19). They will attend swimming lessons and learn about water safety with their class this term.
Students will participate in weekly Music lessons with Mrs O’Dea on Mondays.
Students will participate in weekly Japanese lessons with Sensei Krasnoff on Thursdays.
We have begun our rehearsals for our Aladdin production. The students have participated in a circus skills workshop and will be using these skills in the performance. Rehearsal is every Wednesday afternoon.
Future Plans
Term 3
- Illustrator Visit (week 3)
- Footsteps (Wednesday of week 3,4,5,6 & 7)
- Pupil Free Day (Monday of week 4)
- Book Week (week 5)
- Book Week performance (Monday of week 6)
Term 4
- Aladdin performance (Tuesday and Wednesday of week 2)
Room 19/20 Term Overview
Term 1 2019
This term overview is an indication of the work we have planned and will be adjusted according to student response and other opportunities for learning that occur throughout the term. This term we have a Pupil free day (22/2 Friday of Week 4), Shrove Tuesday (Tuesday Week 6), Sports Day (Friday Week 6), Harmony Day (Celebrating Wednesday Wk 8), Parent Teacher interviews (Week 9 & 10).
This year, we will be exploring the school garden and learning about how plants grow. We have already been lucky enough to pick and taste some vegetables, as well as collecting some seeds.
School and Class Library
Our class is lucky enough to have our own class library this year. This library is located inside the classroom and the books are solely accessed by our students. Students will read daily from this library and are able to borrow one book to take home if they wish.
Our school library time is on Wednesday. Students will be able to borrow up to 5 books each week. If you would like, you can get your child to bring a small library bag to school to assist them in transporting their library books to and from the classroom and home.
Read Write Inc
Until they become independent readers, all Junior Primary students will participate in the Read, Write Inc program learning phonograms through repetition of verbal, visual and physical cues. These will be practiced every day and are a vital part of students’ knowledge to form language, writing and reading skills.
Students will regularly read aloud to adults at home and at school. The focus will be to develop and improve fluency, accuracy and expression. Another focus is developing a range of comprehension strategies. We will also read stories to the class regularly.
Students will be tested on sight words and will have individual cards to take home and practice.
All students are tested on Oxford words. The words that they are unable to spell yet will be added to their spelling list each week. They will then be given 4 words from their list and will be able to choose 3 words from the ‘phonograms of the week’ lists. This will make up their spelling homework and students will be asked to LSCWC and mark up the words. Spelling homework is Monday through Thursday, with Home Learning books handed up on Friday ready for testing on Monday.
This year we are placing a large emphasis on correct formation of letters. Our goal is that ALL students in Room 19/20 will form all numbers and lowercase letters correctly by the end of Term 1. They will then be given a pen to write with and will learn hooks and easy links.
This term's overall focus is writing sentences with the correct structure and punctuation. Students are currently learning how to write 'dazzling' sentences with the use of capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and ensuring they make sense.
Term 1’s genre focus is Personal Recounts and Information Reports.
We will begin a research project towards the end of Term 1 on individual zoo animals chosen by the students. They will be able to view their animal when we go on our Zoo Snooze.
Oral Language
Students will be practicing speaking and listening skills in class. As part of the Investigations program, students will be expected to share to their peers 1-2 times a term, as well as partake in role play activities.
As part of our Geography unit, students will be asked to share in front of the class once this term.
Term 1 will have a strong focus on Number sense. We will concentrate on practicing correct number formation, developing accurate number lines, count to and from 100 (1000 for year 2) and investigate number sequences - increasing and decreasing by 2s, 3s and 5s. We will revise secret code strategies, including count on, rainbow facts, friendly numbers, doubles and near doubles. We will also be collecting, organising and representing data to make simple inferences.
What's the Buzz?
This term we will be doing What’s the Buzz? This is a social skills enrichment programme for Early Learners will help develop student’s social observations, thinking and actions.
Computing and Digital Technologies
Room 19 will go to the Computer Room on Thursday and Room 20 will go on Friday. During computing time we will be learning how to log on/log off, control the mouse and start/exit programs. We will also be practicing typing, mathematics (Prodigy) and creating work in our own Google Drive. The students will also be using Digital Technologies during Investigations to develop their coding skills.
This term, students will be introduced to investigations.
Students will be able to take part in the investigation of a number of set activities related to interests and the curriculum. This may include construction, sensory, collage, literacy, numeracy, science, reading, dramatic play and tinkering. These stations will help to develop learning intentions which are directly related to the General Capabilities and Australian Curriculum. Students will also learn how to participate in groups, manage their emotions, investigate using critical and cognitive skills and develop their oral language.
This semester’s focus will be Geography. The unit will look at the world’s major geographical divisions and places we connect with. We will identify and describe the natural, managed and constructed features of the environment.
Specialist Subjects
Students will participate in weekly Science lessons on Thursday afternoons with Mrs Gehling.
Health and Physical Education
Students will participate in fitness activities as well as weekly P.E lessons with Mr. Halliday on Thursday (Room 20) and Friday (Room 19). They will attend swimming lessons and learn about water safety in Term 2.
Students will participate in weekly Music lessons with Mrs O’Dea on Mondays.
Students will participate in weekly Japanese lessons with Sensei on Thursdays.
Future Plans
Term 2 - Zoo Snooze, Swimming (wk 4)
Term 3 - Performance (end of T3 or early T4), Book Week (week 6)